
President Moon Jae-in issued his second message today (Friday) after Friday last Friday when Japan declared a virtual economic war for us. I will connect with the reporter of Cheong Wa Dae and learn more about it.

Kim Jung-yoon, first of all, let's start with the second message of the president today.


The focus of the message is set to 'FULL'.

President Moon said, "Japan can not stop our leap, but rather stimulus." Listen to yourself.

[Moon Jae-in]: Japan can never stop our economy from leaping. Rather, it will be a stimulus to further our willingness to go to an economic powerhouse.]

Not only does it overcome Japan's trade retaliation, but it also emphasizes the need for greater vision and an extraordinary determination beyond the Japanese economy.


So, what is the meaning of the interpretation of the "Peace Day" in the sense that we have emphasized the peace economy in the north and south as a way to overcome Japan?


This time, President Moon emphasized the peace economy of the North, saying that he felt urgent. Please listen for a moment.

[Moon Jae-in: The economy is dominating the economy and the domestic market. If the peaceful economy can be realized through economic cooperation between the two Koreas, we can catch up with Japan's advantage at a glance.]

Cheong Wa Dae official explained that such a vision of the future such as the peace economy will continue until the August 8th celebration.


In the end, peace is an economy, it seems like this means that the opponent is not going to get a bit more concrete right now.


It is also pointed out that there is some opposition to the question of whether the economic scale of the two Koreas and Japan can be measured in this way, and that specific responses are important right now, as pointed out by the president. Saying, "It relieves the public anxiety and presents a mid- to long-term vision.

It is a message emphasizing self-confidence and dignity apart from phasing out measures.

Cheong Wa Dae official said that this week's Policy Director is meeting closely with the top 5 group executives and is preparing for regular communication and short-term response.

(Image coverage: Seungwon Park, Shin Dong Hwan, Image editing: Jung Sung Hoon, Field work: Kim Seekyung)